Monday, September 9, 2024

September at TVTU??

Hope everyone had a great summer - the Chapter Meetings are back! Conme tell us about your adventures -

WHEN: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
WHERE: Old Market Pub; Garden Home
WHAT TIME: 7:00 p.m. [6:30 socializing!]
WHAT to EXPECT: Brian Light, Steelhead-The Fish of 1000 Casts
Brian will talk about Fall and Winter Steelhead opportunities close to 'home'. He will include flies as well as terminal gear, along with tips on water, water levels, tactics and strategies!
There is little that can be more addictive or exciting than a Steelhead pulling line from your reel and cartwheeling over the water! Brian 'guarantees' to cut your casts down by 50-percent - that is quite the savings for the modern frugal fisherman!
Brian has over 25 years of fly-fishing experience. He started working at NWFFO full time in 2019 after a long career as an Executive Chef. He guides for trout, steelhead, and bass.
WHAT TO BRING: a few bucks for a beverage and dinner from the OMP menus; throw in a few dollars for raffle tickets and your best dinnertime conversation to share with others! Don't forget to ask about volunteer opportunities and helping out on the Board of Directors!
Check your emails if you ZOOM into meetings.......but in-person can be fun!