Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Board discussions....

While discussing the prospect of receiving and posting potential website photos from chapter members [ submit yours with a short comment - email ] on the new TVTU website under development, the Board commented on general aesthetics but also the ETHICAL IDEALS of what we portray for the Chapter and TU. Much of the discussion revolved around live release of fish...
...and how photos of that nature would be better suited for posting on the Chapter site. Fast forward a few days [weeks actually because things sometime move slowly] and a post comes up at Moldychum about live release of Atlantic Salmon - what caught the eye was that they liked the idea and commented that it fits in with any fishy situation... So as a season reminder and hopefully helpful ideas on fish handling skills, for those that will be released, as brought to you by the Canadian government among others [around 7 minutes]:

Live release contributes to increasing spawning success and the health of future runs of Atlantic salmon [edit - among others!]. This video offers anglers the opportunity to watch good live release technique with clear advice in a variety of situations - all photographed on the water. ASF, FQSA, and the Quebec Government partnered to produce it.