WHEN: Thursday, November 14, 2019
WHERE: EastBurn Public House [1800 East Burnside Avenue]
WHAT TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Join fellow TU members and support the Oregon Council of Trout
Unlimited at their fundraiser at the EastBurn Public House where their
talented chefs will create an inspired 5-course menu, each offering
paired and balanced with a different cocktail featuring Crown Royal and
Ketel One spirits! Your ticket purchase of $52 gets you a seat for
dinner and one raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets are available
for purchase at the event. Oral auction items will include a stay and
restaurant credit at the luxury oceanside Headlands coastal lodge and
spa in Pacific City and a complete Terry's Custom spey rod, with reel
and line. Raffle items will include a guided steelhead trip on the Sandy
River with Mia or Marty Sheppard. We’d love to see you there to help
support Trout Unlimited in Oregon!