Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I missed it....DID YOU???

December meeting recap:
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the member meeting this month....I was definitely looking forward to seeing our good friend and All-Knowing Necanicum guy Doug Ray again. He originally planned to bring Melissa Reich our friend from the North Coast Land Conservancy - and Power Point presentation guru - to the meeting to review and discuss the Tualatin Valley Chapter's efforts - past and future - on the north coast!.....
Alas, the weather caused a bit of a mess on the highway and though our friends were safe they were on the far side of the highway closure and could not make it all the way into town! We will try and reschedule them so keep your eyes open for that notice in the future!

Regardless - thanks to some quick thinking Michael Ellis stood in and jotted down some notes regarding the shortened meeting - thanks Michael! [you know Michael - the Restoration/Conservation Director? Contact him for info on how you can help with the C4C project in January!]. 

There were 18 members in attendance [apparently the weather thwarted a few more folks than just Doug - that or the Holidays! Hopefully everyone is looking forward to fun, festive and safe season!]. Erle Norman - our newly elected TVTU President - welcomed everyone to the meeting; Robert 'The Ice Man' Williams gave a brief report on his fishing endeavor in 18 degree weather (one small one, though he saw some much bigger fish - these member stories are always great - we don't mean to put anyone on the spot by any means but fishing stories!? You have to love them - 18 degrees or not!!!). Mike Gentry - former President and newly elected Treasury/Money Man - spoke briefly on the loss of Herb Thompson. Michael Ellis talked once again about the history and importance of the Christmas for Coho project and then asked for more volunteers to fill out the staffing for our drop sites this year [we're still looking for some help - contact Michael and see how you can fill a gap or two!]. Jerry Lorang - that would be our Man of all things Newsletter - conducted the raffle in Ron’s absence.

The meeting adjourned - though without an impromptu tale from our traveling fisherman Mike Gentry who seemingly always has a recent trip to a faraway destination [maybe that should be our last minute plan.....] - and members visited with each other for a while while enjoying the fine ales and menu of the Lucky Lab.

So at that we will end - but please do have an ENJOYABLE and SAFE Holiday season no matter what your flavor of celebration! Cheers and we hope to see you in 2014!!

If you have any ideas or comments for presentations/speakers or want to stand and deliver tales of a trip - let us know - we're always looking for new ideas!

Cheers and we hope to see you in 2014!!