Monday, February 24, 2020

February 2020 - Chicken Creek

Mike report that all went well at the Chicken Creek placement this past weekend! THANKS to all who got out and were able to help - the weather certainly cooperated and lots of progress was made. In concert with the Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge [TRNWR] as part of their restoration and rehabilitation of the small tributary to the Tualatin River, we were invited to assist. We also coordinated Christmas tree donations and use for this project and were able to repurpose many trees to benefit the Project.

Thanks again for the help!

February 2020 Chicken Creek rehabilitation - volunteer briefing!

Staking Christmas trees for habitat - biodegradable hemp twin and stakes are used; the trees will stay in lace initially and either anchor themselves or will float free later and lodge downstream for habitat
Chicken Creek rechannelization - reestablished the original meandering channel and allows removal of numerous flood control structures on the creek helping with fish movement and creating more natural wetlands

Staking more ecocycled Christmas trees!
Mike working hard in the February sun