Saturday, February 1, 2020

February at TVTU??

WHEN: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
WHERE: Lucky Lab Public House; Multnomah Village
WHAT TIME: 6:00 p.m.
WHAT to EXPECT: Rick Hafele - "Nymph Fishing Rivers & Streams"
Accompanied by a slide show, Rick explains what goes on below the surface of streams and how to catch trout with nymphs. He will cover equipment, insects behavior, patterns, and tactics - everything you should know, even if you don't want to know it!
Also, this is shared meeting with PDX Women on the Fly and the the Stonefly Maidens - bring some friends!
WHAT TO BRING: a few bucks for a beverage and pizza dinner; throw in a few raffle tickets and your best behavior!

WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 2020
WHERE: Tualatin River NWR - Sherwood, Oregon
WHAT TIME: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
WHAT to EXPECT: Chicken Creek Restoration

We will be assisting with revegetation work along the creek with Friends of the TRNWR. This effort is part of a huge restoration project returning Chicken Creek back to its natural route. This work will reconnect several of the wetland areas at the refuge and reduce a number of the water control structures currently used to manage water levels in the area. The planting effort will provide very important riparian habiat restoration.

Staffing is being coordinated by MIKE GENTRY. Please contact him for any particulars and schedule your arrival. Mike, Erle and Peter have been diligent in procuring this relationship and we appreciate their efforts - make them proud!
ADDED INFO: Mike may be tardy in returning your inquiries, so bear with him through early February. Bring tall rubber boots or back-up hip waders in case your regular work attire is not sufficient....TRNWR info <<HERE>>.