Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tree Placement Opportunity

Mike Gentry is wrangling some assistance for the first of a number of tree placement efforts - we could use your help; need about 5 or 6 more folks for a short few hours effort:

WHEN: Sunday June 5, 2022
WHERE: Tualatin River NWF
WHAT TIME: 9:00 a.m.

Check with Mike for details but we will be placing about 60-70 trees it sounds like; all on the TRNWR site where we have been assisting for a few years in restoration efforts. This should only be  few hours of light effort - haul some trees, stake some trees - staff will be on hand to give pointers and direct placement.
WHAT TO BRING: work gloves and work boots; things are still muddy so bring the most appropriate points and throw in your waders just to have them on hand in case it would be helpful! Mike has more details.