About 25 members showed up to the lucky Lab Public house in Multnomah Village in September for the general member meeting - hoping to glean as much info as possible from Preston Singletary on the searun cutthroat trout.
First we had some important introductions and awards from standing President Erle Norman; first time attendee Jim from Estacada introduced himself - Glad to have you Jim!
October 17 is the Oregon Council fall meeting - Dick Hollenback noted that the meeting will be in Corvallis and all members are welcome to attend. The agenda, besides other official TU business for Oregon, includes a review of the strategic plan. Voting is limited to attending chapter board members but input for consideration is appreciated from all members......
Dick remained at the helm to present TVTU [particularly Andy Andrews] with an award for our continued participation in the Clackamas River's Kids Camp Project; that effort provides a summer camp venue for kids who want to learn about conservation and responsible fishing and ecological issues.
Jerry Lorang also updated the attendees about the latest Project Healing Waters efforts: PHW provides a venue for veterans and active military to learn or reacquaint themselves with fly tying, fly fishing and other associated themes through monthly programs and scheduled outings. Contact Jerry for any information for attending or assisting with this projects!
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Over $10k donated to TVTU over the years! |
Jerry also noted that November 14th is the annual NW Fly Tyer Rendezvous. The Fly Fishing Arts and Conservation Society sponsors this program and is made up of several local conservation organizations; proceeds return to those organizations to be distributed to groups of their choosing who support like-minded conservation and educational efforts. You may recall $600 was allocated to the Deschutes River Alliance in 2015 by TVTU - all proceeds from the 2014 effort! The Rendezvous features prominent local fly tyers and generates some great conservation dollars for local projects. Put it on your calendar and consider attendance!
Preston Singletary then rose to talk about that venerable, revered and often overlooked NW resident - our local river running denizen the Searun Cutthroat. Preston had a very specific and scientific approach to his presentation - it unfortunately was less on the catching portion but gave some interesting insights. For instance:
- Amphidromous - a semi anodromous species of fish - is it's designation.
- The searun is also the believed to be the first from which all other cutthroat are derived.
- Covers regional areas from Eel River, CA to Prince William Sound and west to the Kenai Peninisula.
- Oregon recorded the oldest living searun - between 13 and 14 years!
- Washington holds the world record line caught searun: 5 pounds 15.25 ounces [1943]! [Oregon has a recorded fish caught in Siltcoos Lake - over 6 pounds but this was considered a resident lake fish and not eligible for the record?!?!?]
- Oregon has not stocked the searun cutt since 1997; the fish in our streams are considered wild and native fish.
This species spends between 2 and 5 years in fresh water before decided to move in to the salt water; they are about 5-10 inches long at this point and can better escape predation. They have also adapted to multiple spawning and returns - very much like the steelhead. The fish also survive predators better by remaining in bays/estuaries or simply staying near shore when int he ocean.
The searun start migrating in July but continue to move into the rivers through December and even February to be able to spawn in the late winter and spring [January through June]. Also - unlike salmon species - the searun will feed throughout their time in the fresh waters of the coastal stream - often aggressively. This makes them a great target during the steelhead doldrums!
Flies you say? attractors, reverse spiders, streamers and dries will all take SRC; they will also take small versions of many steelhead flies. All in sizes 6 and 8.
- Sprucefly streamer
- Small sculpin imitation [muddler minnows]
- October Caddis
- Yellow sally