Monday, December 4, 2017

December at TVTU?

Not sure what the water will look like - though it will most likely be dropping - but this week is due to be our first of typically two week-long 'winter' breaks that we are afforded every year so we hope that you are able to take advantage and get out a bit before the Holiday season grips you completely! Oh and take some gloves because the temps are due to be chilly.....Care to warm up a bit? This what we have on tap for this month!

Image of Rob stolen from his website: Water Time Outfitters!
WHEN: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
WHERE: Lucky Lab Public House; Multnomah Village
WHAT TIME: 6:00 p.m.
WHAT to EXPECT: Rob Crandall
- "Spring Fishing Opportunities"
Here in the NW we have so many great fisheries. In this presentation, Rob features some of his favorite spring fishing opportunities and offers tips and strategies for anglers
to make the most of their early season trips. This presentation covers: Lake fly fishing strategies, Deschutes River Spring hatches, Fly Fishing for Shad and Spring steelhead opportunities [rescheduled from 2016 due to cancellation].
WHAT TO BRING: a friend and your best conversation! A few coins for some liquid refreshment and a slice or two and you're good to go!

WHEN: Saturday, January 6 & 13, 2018
WHAT: CHRISTMAS for COHO Tree Collection
WHAT TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
This is our yearly conservation project - the one that starts it all for us here at TVTU! Two weekends in the new year gather with a few of your fellow TVTU Chapter members to collect gently used Christmas trees from the public. We have two collection sites in the metro area where we gather trees and stage them for removal to project sites.
Low key effort - basically meet and greet the public, take their trees, collect the fee, and place the tree on the pile to go to the Clackamas River. Each location is adjacent to our favorite fly shops in town so you can venture into the shop to warm up and browse.
We can use your help! Sign up for one of the shifts today!