Friday, January 31, 2014

Here's a fun one! If you've never been but want to be inspired by some good film efforts check out the touring films at the...

Trout Unlimited - Patagonia and others have gotten behind this tour and I have to say after attending the first three festivals that came to Portland - I keep going back! There are some stellar efforts and they range far and wide - come to the show this year and see what you think [a small review of past shows follows at the end - my opinions only].

COST: tickets are $15 at the door; $13 discount tickets available at:

WHEN: February 8 RESCHEDULED FEBRUARY 15th!! two showings: 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: Alladin Theatre [venue change!!!]
WHAT TO BRING: a good attitude!

Be warned this show has sold out in the past - visit one of the local shops shown above and buy your tickets early [plus you save some $$'s!!]. Also our TU Chapter from Corvallis - The Bluebacks - are hosting a show in Corvallis if that is more to your liking. <CLICK>

If you are on the edge - check out the trailers available at the F3T Site!!

My OPINION derived from the three previous events:

The Good - overall, I WOULD recommend this. The cinematography is exceptional and the stories surpass that often! Over the series I have seen the films turn from 'just' fishing porn [and excellent ones at that] to actual efforts of storytelling that often leads the viewers to consider why we find ourselves chasing things in the outdoors - from crazy and epic trips down the Baja peninsula to the Doc of the Drakes series that brings the story of 85 year old Dr. Robert Franklin and his battle with Parkinson's disease to the screen and makes everyone appreciate personally what we have and what we might give. The films alone have me returning each year - kudos for the submissions!

The Bad - in the past the Tour hit up the Bagdad Theatre - there was a good crowd [full to capacity actually - as in SOLD OUT]; lots of rambunctious fun as well. Unfortunately, that led to obnoxiousness and significant beer consumption - even a tussle or two [ouch!]. This was addressed with a matinee show which really helped in my opinion - for us folks who like a more mild venue. The atmosphere lends itself to cheering and jeering from the crowd - and Portland film crowds love to partake - and which in limited/appropriate form is GREAT! Booing films or speakers for not including steelhead or local areas is a bit much though so maybe the jeers could be limited? Good luck with that - just bring a good attitude and enjoy the stories! Having never been to the Alladin - not certain how this may change with the venue!